II Legal Subproject

The vALID team at the University of Hanover (Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Comparative Criminal Law and Philosophy of Law of Prof. Dr. Susanne Beck) is working on addressing legal issues pertaining to artificial intelligence-supported decision-making in clinical settings.

Transparency and a clear allocation of responsibilities play a central role, especially in medical decisions. Only in this way can the doctors’ agency and the patients’ right to self-determination be guaranteed as far as possible. AI’s influence on decision making is changing our current understanding of these concepts. The vALID team plans to first analyse the legal status quo regarding the use of AI in medical decision making. After that, potential solutions will be identified and compared to the solutions discussed in other legal cultures. In close exchange with the project partners, the empirical results will be legally evaluated and the legal evaluation will then be linked to ethical considerations. Our focus will be to elaborate adequate practices of medical decision making in cooperation with AI in such a way that legal responsibility can still be attributed and the patient is involved in a way that preserves his autonomy. One of the most important goals is to collectively develop appropriate guidelines for the creation of new legal regulations for the usage of AI in a medical context.