I Ethical Subproject

The research profile of the Chair of Systematic Theology II (Ethics) at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg is characterized by a fundamental-theological perspective on ethics, and places particular focus on issues in bioethics and social ethics. In line with this emphasis, ethics is conceived of as an academic discipline that uncovers normative questions, analyses their presuppositions and implications, develops criteria for the assessment of situations of moral conflict, and informs policy making. In vALID, the team firstly analyses ethical challenges arising from artificial intelligence in general and in clinical contexts in particular. In a second step, the subproject critically reflects on gaps and aporias in current descriptive heuristics and proposed strategies to navigate these challenges. Finally, in a third, constructive step and in close interaction with the vALID subprojects, the team develops suggestions on how clinical, AI-based decision support systems could be developed and deployed responsibly. One of the hypotheses is that besides the potential to ameliorate clinical processes and decision-making, these applications can advance but also constrain the sovereignty of clinicians and patients.